
More experienced users who already have python (version 3.9, 3.10, or 3.11) installed, and a (optional) Python virtual environment setup to their satisfaction, may proceed directly to the essential element of the actual installation of smaht-submitr, which is simply this:

pip install smaht-submitr

Less experienced users may want to start with these prerequisites, which will introduce some basics for installing and working with Python on the terminal command-line:

The rest of these instructions will guide you through the setup of a (optional) virtual Python environment, and then the actual installation of smaht-submitr.


You need a SMaHT account to use this software. For information an obtaining an account please see: SMaHT Portal Account Creation

System Requirementsīƒ

  • python 3.9, 3.10, or 3.11

  • bash


These instructions are targeted specifically for Mac OS X users. For Linux users, these should be generally applicable (with slight modifications); presumed to be a bit more advanced, such users should have little difficulty. For Windows users, very little testing has been done; not recommended; but more experienced users should be able to work through it.


The command-line shell for all of these instructions is assumed bash (i.e. not zsh or csh et cetera). To invoke the bash shell from the command-line simply run bash.

Virtual Environment Setupīƒ

This step is optional though recommended. See the Installation Prerequisites section for installing the pyenv command required to do this.

Assuming you have pyenv installed (per that section), to install a Python version (3.11.8), create a virtual Python environment using this Python version, and active this virtual environment, do:

pyenv install 3.11.8
pyenv virtualenv 3.11.8 smaht-submitr-3.11
pyenv activate smaht-submitr-3.11

That name smaht-submitr-3.11 can be any name that you choose. Now you can proceed to the actual installation of smaht-submitr, next.

Actual Installationīƒ

Assuming python is satisfactorily installed, to install the submitr-smaht software package, run the following (note that the pip command is automatically installed with python):

pip install smaht-submitr


Once installed, the following command-line commands will be available for use (click on each of these to go to the corresponding documentation section):

For Developersīƒ

If you are a software developer, and you wish to install smaht-submitr locally for development or other purposes, please see the Advanced Usage section.